
Beaver River Property Owners Association, Beaver River, NY – Mission

Constitution and By-Laws of
Beaver River Property Owners Association, Inc.

As revised May 28, 2005 and October 10, 2010
And amended July 5, 2005 and Sept. 2, 2007

I    The name of this organization is: Beaver River Property Owners Association.

II    The purpose of this organization shall be:

          1. To band together the citizens of this community who are interested in helping safeguard the future of Beaver River to develop and promote a universal appreciation of the isolation of Beaver River and protect it against any change as it now exists in its isolated state.

          2. To educate the public, especially the young, to the imperative need of these objectives, unify the activity of all persons therein interested, and encourage legislation designed to accomplish these purposes.

          3. To work in harmony with any other concerned organizations for the propagation and conservation of fish and wildlife and the forest of this area. To work toward the reduction and elimination of all forms of pollution in the watershed of the Stillwater Reservoir.

          4. To cooperate with those other organizations to provide volunters and donations for community projects that enhance the quality of life for the property owners including access by rail when access by water or snowmobile is impractical.

          5. To provide a means of communication and discussion for and among the membership to disseminate and share relevant information, and to provide a structure for action on important property owner issues.

          6. To work with the community to assure its peace and safety.

          7. To do, conduct, and transact all other affairs, business, or enterprises necessary to fulfill the true purpose and spirit of said association.

III The membership of this organization shall consist of Regular Members, Associate Members, and Sustaining Members. Memberships are for one year and commence at the time of the Annual Meeting. Membership categories are defined as follows:

Regular Member:
a person may become a Regular Member by demonstrating to the Board of Directors of the BRPOA one of the following:

a. Their name is recorded as a legal property owner on the tax rolls of the Town of Webb, Herkimer County, or on the deeds to property in the Township where is pertains to property located at Beaver River Station, New York.

b. Their name is on an Estate Planning document or contract (or other equivalent legal documentation on file with a County Clerk) showing intent to assume ownership of a property in Beaver River Station.

Regular Members may join under the following guidelines:

1. If two names are recorded on the tax rolls or other equivalent legal documentation, they each may become regular members by paying specified dues.

2. If more than two names are recorded on the tax rolls or other equivalent legal documentation, they may select no more than two of those recorded to become regular members by each paying specified dues.

3. If only one name is recorded on the tax rolls or other equivalent legal documentation, that person may become a regular member by payment of his/her specified dues. That person may select one other person who may become a second regular member by payment of his/her specified dues. That second regular member must be designated in writing and be either a relative of the owner, or a named significant user of the specific Beaver River property.

4. If an individual name is recorded on more than one tax roll or other equivalent legal documentation, that person may become a regular member, but may not select a second person to be a regular member based upon ownership of one or more additional properties.

Regular members are the only category of membership eligible to cast a vote at official meetings. They must be current in their dues as set forth in these by-laws prior to any meeting in order to vote, and are limited to one vote each.

Associate Member: In those cases where more than two names are recorded on the tax rolls or other equivalent legal documentation, and two of those are regular members, additional named owners shall be eligible to be termed an Associate Member by paying specified dues. An Associate Member shall have all of the privileges and obligations of a Regular Member, except that he/she shall be excluded from the nominating/voting process for all BRPOA officers and directors and voting on all other items/issues that arise periodically.


Sustaining Member: In those cases where a non-property owner is demonstrably desirous and capable of supporting the purposes of the Association, they may become a Sustaining Member by paying specified dues. A Sustaining Member shall have all the privileges and obligations of a Regular Member, except that he/she shall be excluded from the nominating/voting process for all BRPOA officers and directors and voting on all other items/issues that arise periodically.


An Associate Member or a Sustaining Member may carry a proxy for a Regular Member not in attendance at a specified meeting and assume all the privileges normally accorded to the Regular Member for that meeting, including the right to vote in place of the Regular Member. The proxy must be an original letter including the following: the Regular Member’s name/address/telephone number/name of designated Associate Member or Sustaining Member/date of the meeting that the proxy is being granted for, signed and dated by the Regular Member. This proxy must be presented to the Secretary of the BRPOA prior to the start of the meeting, and noted in the minutes of the meeting. Any questions or discrepancies regarding acceptance of the proxy wil be resolved by a meeting of the Board Members in attendance at that meeting.


Membership transfer: No membership in this Association is transferable or assignable.

IV     General meetings are to be held annually or special meetings may be called at any time by the President providing that two (2) weeks written notice be given. However, in order to conduct business eight (8) members and a majority of the Board of Directors must be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum.  The President may call a Board of Directors meeting without such notice to address urgent business; a majority of the Board of Directors must be present to constitute a quorum. Parliamentary procedure is to be followed as closely as possible at all meetings and “Roberts Rules of Order” will be the guide. The annual meeting will be held on the first weekend of July at a day and time and place designated by the President.

V   Officers of the organization will be elected annually, must be paid-up members, and will consist of:

          1. President who will:

               A. Lead all meetings and announce all business before the assembly in order of action.

               B. With advice from the Board of Directors, manage the affairs of this organization in accordance with the wishes of the membership as directed at general meetings or as interpreted by the Board of Directors.

          2. Vice President, who will assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.

          3. Secretary, who will call the roll, keep the minutes of all meetings, and send out proper notices of all called meetings and assist the President with written communications of the organization.

          4. Treasurer, who will accept and hold and disburse the funds of this organization in accordance with the rules set forth under “Assets”.

          5. Three Directors who, with the above four officers, will constitute the Board of Directors. In addition to the annual meeting this Board of Directors will hold meetings as necessary to manage the affairs of this organization. Each Director to be elected for three years. One member to be elected each year.

VI     Standing Committees:  The President will appoint these committees and a chairperson to serve annually.  Associate and Sustaining Members may serve on these committees with the exception of the nominating committee.

          1. Dock Committee will work with other organizations on the maintenance and/or replacement of docking facilities at Grassy Point.

          2. Fire Protection Committee will work with other organizations to maintain and upgrade fire prevention facilities at Beaver River.

          3. Access Committee will work with the rest of the community to provide optimum access to Beaver River in accordance with the stated purpose of this organization.

          4. “Sunshine” Committee to take action in the case of the death or illnes of any of the people in Beaver River or their immediate families in accordance with standing instructions from the membership.

          5. Audit Committee consisting of two members who will annually examine the Treasurer’s report for correctness.

          6. Nominating Committee to present a slate of prospective officers and director for election at the annual meeting. This committee will, whenever possible, offer at least two choices for each position.

VII    Assets:

          1. This organization will hold no other assets other than the funds in its Treasury.

          2. Dues will be ten dollars ($10) per year. This amount can be changed by a majority vote at any general meeting.

          3. The Treasurer may disburse any amount up to one hundred dollars ($100) with authorization from the President.

          4. The Treasurer may disburse any amount up to two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) with authorization from the President and the Board of Directors.

          5. The Treasurer may not disburse any amount over two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) without authorization by a majority vote of the members at any membership meeting.

          6. The above amounts may be changed by a majority vote at any general meeting.

VII    Method of Amending or Revising the By-laws: The By-laws may be amended or revised by two thirds vote of the members present at a meeting called for that purpose. A notification setting forth the proposed amendments or revisions shall have been mailed to each member at least two weeks before such meeting.